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Ameliorate Matrescene is a woman-centred business by a certified doula who is passionately dedicated to prioritising the safety and well-being of all children.

Safeguarding children is a moral imperative and a fundamental responsibility for society. As a business operating in community safety, we are dedicated to and consistently strive to ensure that children are at the forefront of all our safety considerations and paramount to any services provided.

This lifetime commitment to child safety is unwavering, taking great pride in implementing a comprehensive set of measures designed to protect children from exploitation and harm. To go beyond compliance with legal requirements by actively seeking to enhance child safety in all aspects of operations. Achieving this means actively engaging with child-safe legislation, codes of practice, and national guidelines and incorporating them into the fabric of operations.

Additionally, as part of upholding personal ethics and professionalism, continuing professional development is dedicated to undertaking and undergoing rigorous training and education to promote a child-safe culture. Employment experience ensures sensitivity to children's vulnerabilities and needs, proactively identifying potential risks and then responding effectively to any safety concerns. Maintaining a vigilant focus on child safety creates an environment that fosters trust and confidence among all clients, friends, family, and community, including all relevant stakeholders.

As part of our commitment to the safety of children, we actively collaborate with relevant authorities, child protection agencies, and other relevant stakeholders. This collaborative approach allows us to stay abreast of the latest developments in child safety and adapt practices accordingly, further fortifying our dedication to keeping children safe and standing firm in our resolve to place children's safety at the heart of all business operations.

Ameliorate Matrescene remains committed to advocating for child-safe legislation, adhering to codes of practice, and following national guidelines to safeguard children from potential risks. Together with our stakeholders and partners, we endeavour to create a safer world for children where they can thrive, grow, and dream without compromise.

Kerslake, A (2023) Commitment to Child safe environments. Ameliorate Matrescene

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